2-Zip Sidemount Bellows Pocket
Easily bring everything you need on a dive

Sidemount divers require many tools for their diving but are limited by how much space they have to carry them. There is little room on the waist for traditional style pockets and tanks can limit access to thigh pockets. This lack of real estate has led many sidemount divers to go with a butt-mounted pocket. Dive Rite’s 2-Zip Sidemount Bellows Pocket is a large bellows pocket that allows a sidemount diver to carry everything they need for a dive including: spools, notebook, back-up lights, line arrows, and more. With two compartments, smaller items can be separated in the front with larger items in the main compartment. A 36-inch looped lanyard on the inside of the large compartment allows the diver to attach tools and gear so items can be quickly deployed without the fear of losing one. With an armored SuperFabric® front, the Sidemount Bellows Pocket is extremely rugged. A heavy duty mesh panel allows for quick draining. Now available in OD Green!

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