Dive Rite stands behind every product by offering the original purchaser a one year warranty against manufacturer defects. This warranty begins on the date of customer purchase. To take advantage of this warranty, the original purchaser must retain their original purchase receipt from an authorized Dive Rite dealer. Registrable products must be registered within 30 days of purchase. Warranty claims must be made with Dive Rite headquarters. It is the responsibility of the original purchaser to send in the suspected warranty item with a completed Return Authorization Form and the original purchase receipt. Once the product is received, Dive Rite will evaluate it to determine if the warranty claim is valid.
Aircells/Wings, Lift Bags, and SMBs
Dive Rite offers a lifetime warranty on the welded seams and welded flanges on bladders and outerbag seams on our new line of wings (released in 2025). Pinching the bladder between the plate and your tanks (or punctures from knives, spear guns, shark bites, etcetera) will not be covered under warranty.
Lights/Light Batteries
Floods, broken lenses, or punctured cords are not covered under warranty unless they are the result of a direct manufacturer defect. The light must have been used with the included charger and under normal conditions.
O2ptima Rebreather