HydroLite BC

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The Hydro Lite Buoyancy System is a tech inspired, light weight BCD for discerning single tank divers. Incorporating a technical soft backplate and wing design, the Hydro Lite offers all-in-one convenience without sacrificing the features that advanced divers demand. Designed specifically for streamlined, warm water diving and ideal for travel, the Hydro Lite comes in at only 6.2 lbs (2.8 kgs) in a compact and easily packable format. Proudly made in the USA using the same durable materials and hardware as the rest of the premium Dive Rite line, the Hydo Lite will easily hold up to years of your most epic diving adventures.

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Mountaineering Style Harness A mountaineering backpack style harness keeps the rig stable and guarantees that the Hydro Lite is as comfortable out of the water as it is in it. On land the harness is designed to distribute the load to the hips and alleviate added stress to the back and shoulders. Standard 2-inch waist and shoulder webbing allows the diver to add or remove any D-rings or accessories to customize the BCD. Adjustable quick release straps and integrated chest strap make getting in and out of the harness a snap.
For added stability the harness features a 1.5” crotch strap. Four 2” D-rings are located on the chest and waist belt. An integrated lumbar pad, hip pads, and shoulder pads are included for additional comfort. Available in five harness sizes S-XXL with quick adjustability for in-between sizes.



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Streamlined Aircell An integrated 30 lb lift aircell provides the ideal amount of lift for a diver, tank, and weights, while maintaining a streamlined shape. Positioned for perfect trim, the 360-degree oval shape hugs the cylinder preventing the aircell from “tacoing” around the tank and trapping air. The Hydro Lite uses a “rapid exhaust” power inflator assembly on the left shoulder and an over-pressure valve with pull dump on the lower left of the wing.

Extremely rugged, the Hydro Lite aircell is designed for the long-term using a 600 denier polyester material outerbag and a 210 denier nylon laminated inner bladder.

Dual Tank Straps For added stability the Hydro Lite features dual tank straps, as well as a tank height adjustment strap. The top tank strap is Dive Rite’s 2” stainless steel non-marring roller buckle cam strap. The bottom strap is a quick adjust hook-and-loop retainer designed to provide additional tank stability while reducing overall weight.



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Integrated Weight System


The Hydro Lite features an integrated low profile 12 lb weight system with quick release pulls. By eliminating the use of additional holsters or large pull handles, the integrated weight system adds minimal bulk to the BCD. Each pocket can be quickly loaded with up to 6 pounds of either block

or soft weight. The combination hook-and-loop and buckle retainer holds the weight securely while allowing the diver to quickly ditch their weight in case of emergency.

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tech specifications

  • Harness: 2-inch (5 cm) webbing construction with shoulder pads
  • Aircell Outerbag: 600 denier polyester
  • Aircell Inner Bladder: 210 denier laminated nylon
  • Integrated Weight System: 12 lb (5.4 kg) total capacity with quick-release buckles
  • 1x 2-inch (5 cm) roller buckle cam strap
  • 1x 2-inch (5 cm) Hook-and-loop retainer strap
  • Tank height adjustment strap
  • 4x 2-inch (5 cm) D-rings
  • 1.5-inch (3.8 cm) quick-release crotch strap
  • Weight: 6.2 lbs (2.8 kg)
  • Available in 5 sizes: S-XXL
  • Made in the USA








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